Another Spring

(another annoying bird)

A Moulting Red Fox and a Red-winged Blackbird

25cm L x 20cm W x 15cm H

Cone 6 porcelain


"Another Spring" is a captivating scene featuring two distinct characters of the natural world. The sculpture shows a red-winged blackbird, identifiable by its bright red and yellow markings, perched atop a resting red fox. The bird is busy collecting molted fur from the fox for its nest. The fox, nestled comfortably with eyes half-open, looks up at the bird, displaying a mix of annoyance and curiosity. The sculpted fur textures and expressive faces add depth to this portrayal.

This porcelain sculpture highlights the individuality of these animals, showcasing their distinct "personalities" as they navigate the changing season. The detailed textures and vibrant colors bring out their unique traits, encouraging a deeper connection between the viewer and the subjects.

The piece offers a glimpse into the unique lives of these wildlives, portraying them as more than just representatives of their species, but as distinctive individuals with their own stories to tell.


Seals Couldn't Care Less, 2022-present


Crown 2024