Magnificent frigatebird

Cone 6 Porcelain | 15H*11W*33L cm | 2022 Jan

A Magnificent frigatebird is a huge seabird who spends most of its life flying over the ocean. This rare creature is possibly never to be seen in our local area, people can only appreciate its beauty through visual representations. Driven by the desire of going beyond that, Peidi (TheTinyDaikon) hand sculpts this unique piece that is deriverd from motion pictures and photographs with addition of her own imagination and creativity. All the feathers are carefully hand sculpted piece by piece. Male magnificent frigate is famous for its iconic bright red throat pouch in the mating season. The facinating red throat pouch is used to proudly demonstrate his supiority among other males to please and attract the females. Peidi (TheTinyDaikon) embellishes every detail of a proudful male magnificent frigatebird that is showing off its red throat pouch, through expression, posture, and the prominant larvish red color. This one of a kind sculpture of magnificent frigatebird pays tribute to the quintessence of nature’s creation, while embodying the perception of beauty and cuteness from artist’s own view.


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